I am exceptionally thankful and honored with the trust these physicians and Aviculturist have contributed to this book in order to bring this material to you.
Photo's Agars by:
Craig Werner, MD/Ph.D. Instructor in Medicine, Infectious Diseases
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center
Forchheimer 219,300 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx NY 10461
Photo's of Gram Stains
Dr. Greg Harrison
Dr. Gary Kaiser text and photos from The Grapevine
Dr. Gary Kaiser is a professor of microbiology at The Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus located in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Kaiser has been teaching microbiology at C.C.C. since 1970. Dr. Kaiser received his B.S. in biology in 1968 and M.S. in microbiology in 1970, both from Northern Illinois University. Dr. Kaiser's Ph.D. in microbiology was earned in 1975 from the University of Maryland, College Park. His professional interest is host-microbe interactions, that is, the mechanisms microbes use to cause infection, the ways the body defends itself against infection through nonspecific defenses and immune responses, and the techniques we use to artificially help the body in its defense efforts. He also enjoys writing teaching tools for microbiology students such as his Lecture Guide and Performance Objectives for Microbiology, and his Laboratory Manual, The Grapes of Staph.
Linda Seger The Aviculturist Microscope
John R. Bryce
Born in La Paz, Bolivia,
BA in psychology from UCLA, entomology program from California State University at Long Beach. Additional experience includes giving training in microanalytical methodology and identification techniques to individuals and groups nationally and internationally.
John has been with the FDA for 28 years, working as an entomologist, consumer safety officer, and presently as a compliance officer in San Pedro, California. Work as an entomologist included the identification of insect, hair and feather contaminants in food products. Three references of possible interest to the reader include:
Dr. Thomas Goldsmith, D.V.M. MS
Many hours Dr. Goldsmith gave me in the beginning of my aviculture medicine. I thank Dr. Goldsmth for without him I would have never accomplished this Reference Guide
©1994 through 2011
Cherane Pefley