1. An_________ should be used as a sanitizer and is safe for application to the skin of human only.
5. Disinfectants are designed for use only on __________ surfaces
6. Meaning to kill fungus
8. ___________quetips, feeding utencils, feeding tubes and culturetts should never be shared.
12. Only_________ hospital disinfectants should be used in the Aviary.
13. Contamination is the presence of dirt,_________ or microbes on a surface.
15. All disinfectants should have an _____approval number.
17._________.Safety Data Sheet
18. Make sure your Aviary is using a disinfectant that is both_____ and effective.
19. Dirty surfaces are said to be _____.
21. Effective in killing tuberculosis bacteria.
2. The only type of four leg animlal that should be allowed in the babybird nursery are ______
3. Bacterial spores are the hardest to kill of any life_____ known to man.
4. Disinfecting solution should be changed _____a day unless the manufacturer’s instructions indicate otherwise.
7. Two methods of sterilization are the steam autoclave and _______. (2 wds.)
9. The process of disinfection does not________ bacterial spores.
10. The Aviculturist should avoid touching their_____, mouth or eye area during feeding birds and specimen collection.
11. Birds need plenty of fresh and clean_____.
12. A common term for disease-causing organisms.
13. Part of the U.S. Dept. of Labor that ensures safety in the workplace.
14. ______can mean walls, floors, skin, etc.
16.________rooms should be clean and tidy.
19.What Aviculturist sometimes do to birds bodies and or feet.
20. Regularly clean fans, ventilation systems, conditioners and humidifiers.