Continue: Aviculture Microbiology
The Aviculturist will be able to participate in future seminars in Aviculture microbiology with:
1. culturing, isolate, classify and characterise a range of
bacteria and yeast and fungi.
2. explain which tests to use in order to identify particular groups of bacteria and individual species with special properties;
3. describe roles for microorganisms in the aviaries, soil, water.
4. how diseases may be controlled by sanitation and sterilization.
A 2-hour written examination a 2-hour practical
examination; assignments and reports on practical
work completed each no longer than 500 words.
Course Description
A. An Aviculturist who owns and is actively involved with breeding baby exotic birds.
B. Birds must be in members aviary only, not an employee of an Aviary.
C. A member of Aviculture Microbiology Foundation, Inc. of good standing.
D. High School Graduate
E. A sponsor who is a licensed Veterinarian.
None of the material in this workbook is intended for use for any medical, experimental or similar purpose. No responsibility whatsoever is accepted for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any use to which information or ideas from this workbook.
Prescribed Texts Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M. and Parker
J., Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 8th ed. 1996.
Prescott L.M., Harley J.P., and Klein D.A.,
Microbiology. 3rd ed. 1996.
Department of Microbiology, Techniques Manual. 1998.