Avianitarian  Assessment
Write a short report to the Veterinarian on your ability in assisting with your bird's treatment and care. ie: education through Aviculture Microbiology Foundation, Veterinarian, etc. This should be addressed long before your first appointment for a bird, by either an introduction letter with your letterhead stationary or in person by appointment.

Have you been educated with avian procedures as: Tube feeding, injections, i.e., Sub-Q and IM, nasal flushing and drawing blood? Are you able to figure out the dosage of medicine once given a PRESCRIPTION by your Veterinarian, do you understand the symbols of daily dosages? Do you have any Avian Medicine Books?  If so, name them.

Has the bird been seen by any veterinarian?
List any treatments used prior to vet's appointment.
What condition was the bird in (depressed, dehydrated, etc.) when seen by the previous veterinarian.
Name medicine, dosage and length of time for prescribed treatment.
Treatments are given by aviculturist or Sponsoring Veterinarian? Remember, Your Veterinarians is very busy with sick animals so please stick to your observations in giving details with regard to the questions below:

Is any improvement shown from the treatment?
Give tests, cultures, sensitivity cultures, X-rays, Gram Stains given by the previous veterinarian.
Name the results and diagnosis of problem/disease given by the veterinarian.
Was treatment/medication prescribed?
When a bird is non-responsive to the treatment given by the veterinarian, what are some other procedures you might suggest to the veterinarian?
For how many days have you noticed the symptoms your observing?
Describe in detail the symptom you observe such as:
1. the bird appears to be
                         a.  fluffed
                          b. Cold
                          c. Hyperactive
                          d. stressed
                          e. quiet
                          f.  lethargic
                          g. sneezing
                          h. Respiratory
                           i. problems

Have the feces changed in color and consistency?
Are the symptoms worse in the morning, afternoon, night.
Is the bird depressed, unresponsive to stimuli, dehydrated, ie, dry wrinkled skin on face, eyes, and feet?
Describe the texture of the skin (tight, loose, wrinkled) and the color of the skin you have observed.  Is the body, beak or feet cold to your touch?  Any parts of the body swelled as the nares, eyes, feet, legs?  
Behavior as bobbing head, clinging to the side of the cage or to you, increased screaming, talking ceases, biting and any behavior you may be determined to be different than the norm for this bird.
Does the bird exhibit nonuse of any parts of the bird's body, i.e., legs, wings, head.
Are the birds eating and drinking water, or is your bird refusing to eat and drink water? if yes, what is it eating and how much? Is the bird drinking a great amount of water?
If this is a bird being hand fed? How many feedings, amount, a temperature of food and is the bird emptying between feedings?
What is your feeding schedule for this bird?
What amount and what type of food are you feeding?  Sprouts, seed mix, pellets, veggies, fruits and other?
Give information about your pellet your feeding as is it Maintenance or Breeders Pellets?
Are you adding any supplements, such as vitamins, herbs to the food or water, and if so, what kind?
Do you have a cuttlebone, calcium with D3 in the cage or food?

copyright by Cherane Pefley  1994