Immunity is the body’s ability to attack and destroy bacteria that have entered the body and resist infection.
There are two types of immunity; natural and acquired.
1. Natural immunity is the body’s natural resistance to disease. Much of natural immunity is inherited but may be enhanced through a clean and healthy lifestyle.
2. Acquired immunity is developed by the body after it has once overcome a disease. For instance, after an bird contracts and recovers from polyoma, that individual will not contract that disease again. Acquired immunity may also come from inoculation against diseases. For example, the vaccines given to children as polio vaccine.
Some birds may have immunity to certain diseases and still be able transmit the disease to others. These individuals are known as carriers. Beak and Feather and Polyoma are diseases that can be spread in this way. The carrier will not produce symptoms of the disease but is equally as infectious as someone who does demonstrate the symptoms.
Exercise 1. - Matching
Match the term or phrase in column 1 with the phrase that best explains it in column 2.
Bacteriology ......................................
Harmful types of bacteria that include parasites.
Bacteria ...............................................
Harmful bacteria that grow in circle-shaped pairs.
Pathogenic organisms .......................
The body’s first line of defense against infection.
Diplococci ............................
The most common type of harmful bacteria and the most difficult to destroy.
Bacilli .......................................
Developed by the body after it has once overcome a disease.
Flagella and cilia ........................
Tiny, one-celled vegetable micro-organisms
Unbroken skin .................................
The science that deals with the study of micro-organisms called bacteria
Plant parasites ....................................
Birds who have immunity to certain diseases but are able to transmit the disease to others.
Acquired immunity ..............................
Include mold, mildew and certain types of yeast.
Tiny hair-like projections that some bacteria use to move.